Wholesome, nourishing, and well-balanced meals are an important part of your treatment and recovery. McDonough District Hospital makes every effort to provide nutritious meals that are prepared according to your doctor’s orders.
Inpatients will be served breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Occasionally, meals may be delayed if you are scheduled for a special test or treatment. Whenever possible, you will be served after your test or examination. Your breakfast tray will include a menu from which you can choose your lunch, dinner, and breakfast for the next day. If you have difficulty making menu selections, a member of the nursing or dietary staff will be happy to help you. If you are on a special diet prescribed by your doctor, you will receive menus that are tailored to your specific needs.
Cafe525 at McDonough District Hospital is located on the lower level and
is open Monday-Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. and from 7 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday-Sunday.
A variety of entrees are served daily. Additionally, burgers, hot sandwiches,
grilled items, soup, salads, and an assortment of desserts are available.
Coin Café
Vending machines for snacks, meals, and beverages are located just outside
the cafeteria in the lower level. This area is open 24 hours a day.