Parents with small infants now have an additional option for bringing their most precious cargo home from the hospital. The Macomb Fire Department donated Angel Guard Infant Car Beds to the OB Department. Designed for transporting small infants, particularly those weighing less than 5 pounds or with special medical needs, the car beds are stored in OB, and parents may rent them for up to one month.
Baby TALK (Teaching Activities for Learning and Knowledge) is a community effort designed to encourage parents in the nurturing of their infants and small children. New parents whose babies are born at McDonough District Hospital receive a hospital visit from a trained Baby TALK volunteer who presents them with a parent manual Babies and Books: A Joyous Beginning; a developmental newsletter, and a children’s board book of their choice.
Baby TALK is a collaborative effort with McDonough District Hospital, libraries, service clubs, businesses, community individuals, and other parenting programs in the hospital district. The program functions solely on donations to furnish books and newsletters to the families
New parents are encouraged to begin immediately caring for their babies by:
Two months after going home, the family receives a follow-up newsletter with developmental information that encourages parents to continue reading aloud to their children. At one year, our staff sends a birthday certificate and a newsletter with further developmental information.
Since its inception at MDH in July 1997, Baby TALK relies strictly on volunteers. We have dedicated volunteers who have been trained by the hospital and Baby TALK; and are committed to this program and its mission. A volunteer is scheduled to visit new moms and their babies every day, including weekends and holidays.
Baby TALK is headquartered in Decatur, IL, and was begun in 1986. It was designated a pilot for the Touchpoints project developed by T. Berry Brazelton of Harvard Medical School.
Infant security is a top priority at MDH. The newborn unit is locked, and visitors must be approved for entry by a staff member. We utilize a 4-band identification system to identify your infant, yourself, and a person designated by you. When taking the baby from the nursery or when the baby is taken to your room the band numbers will be matched to ensure correct identification. A small yellow box transducer (monitor) will be softly attached to one of the baby’s ankles. An alarm will sound to alert the staff if the infant is taken close to any entrance or exit or is taken off the infant. A picture will be taken of your infant for identification purposes. This will remain a permanent part of your child’s medical record.
Our staff wants the birth of every newborn to be a positive experience. Our pain control options include breathing and relaxation, whirlpool, IV and/or IM pain medication, and epidurals. For more information regarding pain relief options and information, talk with your obstetric care provider.
As a “hospital caring,” MDH is taking an active role in promoting awareness of the “Safe Haven” law. Signage at both entrances identifies the hospital as a location that allows a parent to relinquish an unharmed newborn anonymously, safely, and legally without fear of prosecution.
Child development education through developmental, health, vision and hearing screening, parenting education through personal visits and "Play to Learn" groups, case management through an individual family support plan, book/video lending library, linkage to community services, parent/child activities and preschool transition services. Located at 339 S. Johnson St., Macomb, IL 61455. To contact, please call (309) 836-5775.
This breastfeeding support group offers 24-hour phone consultations, information, encouragement, and support to new mothers who wish to nurse. It offers a free lending library, access to medical advisory board, information sheets on all aspects of breastfeeding, books for sale, monthly meeting, and breast pump rentals. Meetings are held at 6:00 pm on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, located at Early Beginnings at 339 S. Johnson St., Macomb, IL 61455. To contact, please call (309) 836-5775.
This resource is available to free women’s health information. Call (800) 994-9662 from Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Central time. Visit www.4woman.org for further information.
This is a website you can join or just visit for information on baby care, behavior, work and family, development, parenting, nutrition, playtime, safety, fatherhood, and so on. Visit www.thebabycorner.com for further information.