Yes! Donations made to MDH are deductible from the federal income tax to the full extent of the law.
Yes, donations may be made in many forms. For a variety of reasons, which are best determined by you and your financial advisor, you may wish to give securities, real estate, life insurance or other possessions. Gifts-in-kind are appreciated.
Donors may designate their gift to a current capital improvement at McDonough District Hospital, equipment or towards a particular program or service the hospital provides. Many such "restricted" accounts have been established. The Foundation office can provide assistance with restricted donations.
All gifts are promptly acknowledged and, unless otherwise specified, are recognized in the Foundation annual newsletter Generosity Inspires. Members of Century Club, Golden Apple Society, Business Honor Roll, and Heritage Circle will receive special recognition on the Donor Board located in the main hallway of the hospital and recognition events held throughout the year.